Running Randoms

With not blogging in two weeks I figured I’d just summarize some running related randomness going on lately.

-I am officially signed up for 3 races in September.  When I ran the EBACC 5k I discovered that if I ran the Quarterback 5k or 10k and the White Rose 5 Miler I’d be completing the new “717 Series” (717 is the main area code of this area) and get a free tshirt at no additional charge.  I had ran both of those races only once years ago so I figured why not?  Besides, who can pass up a free shirt?  The third race will be my 3rd half marathon; the Hands on House Half on Sept. 29th.

-I’m running harder long runs than I did in my half marathon training last year.  By harder I mean hillier.  This is for several reasons.  1 – The half marathon I’m doing apparently has a rather tough hill in it as well as a few rolling hills.  2 – My legs tend to feel better on long runs that have hills because of the changing muscles used; I intend to do a full blog entry on this/regarding hills in the near future.  3 – While I love having rail trails in close proximity for training, they can get boring both physically and mentally.

-I have finally experimented with some sports beans and chews on my long runs.  The main reason for this is that after my half last fall I felt super jittery and lightheaded as soon as I finished.  I blame this primarily on the fact that the first few aid stations had only water and no sports drinks.  Hands on House’s website says it will offer both at every station, but I’m not taking any chances and plan to keep some Honey Stinger orange blossom chews in my pocket.

-I learned that while websites may say it’s okay to exercise 24 hours after a massage, if I do so I will feel like a slow, newbie runner.  (Random – newbie makes me think of noob which I heard on an episode of the Big Bang Theory this week which makes me think of all the time I spent playing Guild Wars during college).  I was scheduled for a massage before we went to Ocean City, but realized I wanted to run a long run the next day so I rescheduled the massage (priorities right?) to this past Tues.  My legs felt really good after the massage though my upper back felt like someone had been punching it.  My darn desk job tightens my back up like nothing else.  I intended to run an easy 4 miles Wed. after work which quickly changed to 3 miles after I realized the heavy, sloth-like feeling in my legs was not going to go away after a mile.

-I have a love/hate relationship with yoga workouts.  I love how much they help on recovery days and I know they’re likely aiding in my staying injury free.  I hate how slow and boring they seem.  They may make my body feel good, but mentally I get too distracted thinking about other things and wanting the workout to be finished.

-I attended my dad’s jr high cross country team’s first scrimmage last evening.  I do not miss my high school cross country course.  The opposing team was coached by a former teammate of mine and I asked if she missed our course; she said she didn’t.  It is by far the hardest course in the county.  While it made for tough cross country runners, it certainly was never enjoyable to run it.  I swore when I graduated I would never run it again.  It took at least a year but I have since ran it, just not very often.

-Attending that scrimmage made me miss my track kids.  I was definitely burned out by the end of last season, but I have since recovered and am looking forward to next season.  Already I have started thinking of different workouts and fun things I want to implement such as a scavenger hunt.

-I find that once I start hitting double digit mile runs, miles 8-9 or 9-10 become the toughest mentally.  They’re also the miles that I start thinking about food.  I remember during my 14 mile run last year I started craving all kinds of random things from french fries and funnel cakes to green smoothies.  I ran 12 miles this morning and around mile 8 I started craving about a peanut butter and banana smoothie.  Fortunately I texted Jason when I finished my run and there was a homemade ice cold one in the fridge waiting for me when I returned home.

Do you use sport beans or chews on long runs or races?  Do you do yoga and if so, what is your take on it?  Do you get food cravings during runs?





About Tracy

I am a lifelong runner and occasional writer. I am a workforce specialist for a healthcare organization, but my passion lies in being an assistant varsity track coach focused on hurdlers. I am also a NASM certified personal trainer. I love reading, country and rock music, vacationing near water, chocolate milkshakes and Christmas lights.
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7 Responses to Running Randoms

  1. runeatralph says:

    I used to use caffeinated Gu or sport beans, but last marathon I used Tailwind. It’s a one stop shop for hydration, electrolytes, calories and caffeine. 🙂

    • TracyNicole says:

      I’ve been hesitant to try any gels as I’ve heard you need to drink a lot of water with them; did you find that to be the case? I’ve never heard of tailwind but I’ll have to look into it!

  2. Laurie says:

    You and I must live (and run) close to each other. I LOVE the Hands on House half. It is absolutely one of my favorite half marathons. Hilly, but really well-organized and fun.

    I never heard of the 717 series. Maybe next year. I am not running right now. I did a marathon on Sunday and reinjured my hip. Ugh!

    • TracyNicole says:

      I just checked out your blog and told my husband hey there’s a blogger who liked one of my posts who is just over in Lancaster! I’m across the river in York. I’m glad to hear some positive feedback on the Hands on House half; my dad ran it years ago but believes the course has changed slightly since he ran it. We actually ran about 4 miles of it a few weeks ago but didn’t get to see the covered bridge or major hill. I was in your neck of the woods yesterday for my 12 miles run; I ran it on the Northwest Lancaster County rail trail.

      I believe the 717 series is new this year. I had received an email about signing up for East Berlin and it was listed in the email.

      Oh no I’m sorry to hear you are injured 😦 Take care of yourself and hopefully you’ll be back on the roads/trails soon!

  3. Donna S says:

    I love yoga and have been doing it for many years. I’ve found there’s a huge difference based on the type of class and the instructor. If you can find another class that has a different instructor I encourage you to check that out.

    • TracyNicole says:

      I’ve actually never gone to an in person class; I’ve only done yoga through the DailyBurn app that I use. There are two main instructors who have classes on it and both are good at breaking down the moves, it’s just the slowness in general that seems to bore me after about 10-15 mins.

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